
LRMIS electronic services for LRMIS data receivers provided free of charge as stated in the Republic of Lithuania on Geodesy and Cartography Law and other legislations. These services can be reached using LRMIS map services.

Search of spatial objects by coordinates

Performed spatial objects position search by defined X and Y coordinates. Entered coordinates on the map shown as points, lines or areas.

Search of spatial areal data of land by area

In the specified territory performed area spatial objects about land search by defined area interval.

Statistic information about spatial data of land

Analyze land spatial data in the specified territory. Results contain statistical data of specified objects, such as overall quantity, space, length etc.

Map comparison

Performing different map comparison in two same size map windows.

Maps printing and saving

Possibility to print fragment of a map, save them and download in popular PDF, PNG, JPG, BMP formats.

Search for scanned plans

By various criteria (administrative boundary, defined scope, plan name) performed scanned and geographically oriented (tied) reclamation plans or soil productivity survey plan search. Possibility to download found plans as popular TIF and SID formats, view them within LIS map page.